What is Reiki?
Experience the transformative power of Reiki, an ancient energy healing technique renowned for its gentle, therapeutic benefits. Reiki aims to harmonise the body's energy, promoting relaxation, wellness, and healing, making it a perfect complement to traditional care.
Clinical Trials and Evidence
Recent clinical trials and studies have highlighted the significant benefits of Reiki. Here are some key findings:
Long-term Stress Relief: A six-week trial found that Reiki significantly reduced stress and depression, with effects lasting a year (Source: naturaltherapypages.com)
Fibromyalgia: A four-week study showed Reiki reduced pain and improved physical
and mental health compared to placebo treatments.
Anxiety and Depression: Three weekly Reiki sessions significantly reduced anxiety and depression, with effects lasting up to 30 days post-treatment (Source: ijhc
Cancer Symptoms: Reiki sessions for chemotherapy patients decreased anxiety (scores from 6.77 to 2.28) and pain (4.4 to 2.32), improving relaxation and overall wellness (Source: spcare.bmj naturaltherapypages.com)
Palliative Care: Evidence from reviews indicates that Reiki may reduce pain and anxiety, thereby enhancing the quality of life for individuals receiving end-of-life care.
(Source: spcare.bmj)
Reiki offers a gentle and effective way to enhance your overall well-being. Whether you are facing anxiety, stress, depression, chronic pain, or the side effects of medical treatments, Explore Reiki for holistic
health and harmony.
60 mins £50
Massage & Reiki Combo £70